أحد الأهداف الرئيسية لـ Life4me + - منع حالات الإصابة الجديدة بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية والأمراض المنقولة جنسياً الأخرى والتهاب الكبد الوبائي والسل.

يساعد التطبيق على تأسيس اتصال مجهول بين الأطباء والمصابين بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية. انها تسمح لك بسهولة تنظيم جدول الدواء الخاص بك وإعداد تذكير خفية وشخصية.

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“Art Hearts Fashion” Raise HIV/AIDS Awareness During LA Fashion Week

“Art Hearts Fashion”  Raise HIV/AIDS Awareness During LA Fashion Week - صورة 1

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) will partner with Art Hearts Fashion to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS as part of the Fall/Winter 2017 LA Fashion Week collection of shows. The aim of this action is to promote sexual health through HIV/STD testing, treatment and condom usage.

Founded by producer and fashion designer Erik Rosete in 2011, Art Hearts Fashion has become an important platform in the fashion industry. This week’s fashion show events will be attended by India’s openly gay Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil and will feature designers including Jonathan Marc Stein, Lily Marotto, Fernando Alberto Atelier Charles Mister Triple X and Ron, Rich by Richie Rich.

This year’s International Condom Day theme, “Always In Fashion,” promoted the safer sex message that using condoms never goes out of style.

“We are always excited to partner with Erik to present Art Hearts Fashion and provide a platform for fashion designers who support AHF’s mission and want to help raise awareness about the ongoing battle against HIV/AIDS,” said AHF’s Chief of Global Advocacy and Policy Terri Ford. “It’s through successful partnerships like this one that AHF is able to reach new audiences with our message of prevention and treatment and keep attention on the fact that condoms are always in fashion!”

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest global AIDS organisation, currently provides medical care and services to over 700,000 individuals worldwide in the US, Latin America/Caribbean, Africa, the Asia/Pacific Region and Eastern Europe.

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