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AIDS Foundation: New Zeeland Can Save Millions of it’s Budget by PrEP Realisation

AIDS Foundation: New Zeeland Can Save Millions of it’s Budget by PrEP Realisation - صورة 1

PrEP can save millions of the budget of New Zeeland, as AIDS Foundation report. Men who have sex with men (MSM) represent one of the groups of high risk of HIV transmission, so providing them with PrEP will cost less than $2.5m a year, which is quite cheaper than the lifetime treatment provision for the same group,  which will cost $127m. a year.

"Not only does an HIV diagnosis have a significant impact to the individual but it's a significant burden on the New Zealand health system. The opportunity [to end new HIV diagnoses] is there, the sector just needs to be sufficiently resourced. If you get to the middle of that very dense network and put a barrier in place it can have a significant flow-on effect. This is a small investment which will protect the health of New Zealanders and will save millions in lifetime treatment." - said Jason Myers, AIDS foundation chief executive.

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