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١٠ يوليو ٢٠١٧, ١٦:١٠

AHF Calls On G20 To Keep On Fighting Against HIV Epidemic

AHF Calls On G20 To Keep On Fighting Against HIV Epidemic - صورة 1

G20 Summit took place last week in Hamburg, Germany. Global health was on the G20 agenda in Germany. Countries taking part in the summit should set a plan in the fight against HIV/AIDS around the World.

AHF calls on countries to work on HIV care and treatment and to commit their fair share to the Global Fund to AIDS, TB and Malaria.

“We applaud Germany for demonstrating its commitment during the Fifth Replenishment Round of the Global Fund in September 2016, by increasing its pledge by more than thirty percent. However, the campaign is not over with that welcome result of Germany’s leadership, and we continue to urge other countries like China to be generous and to commit their fair share to the Global Fund.” - ” said Zoya Shabarova, AHF Europe Bureau Chief.

“We ask Germany and other global leaders to recall the reasons for supporting the Global Fund at its onset and the goals the world hoped to accomplish. If the decline in funding continues, these impressive achievements will be endangered—we could lose billions of dollars, and more importantly, millions of lives. The HIV epidemic remains the deadliest in modern history. Every year over one million people die of AIDS-related causes and two million become infected with HIV.” - added Denis Godlevskiy, Europe Advocacy Director for AHF Europe.

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