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6 березня 2015, 00:00

Giled снизит цены на "Sovaldi" в Пакистане

Giled снизит цены на "Sovaldi" в Пакистане - зображення 1

World’s breakthrough cure for Hepatitis C, Sovaldi (sofosbuvir 400 miligrams) would be available soon in Pakistan at reasonable price. Manufacturer of drug Gilead Sciences Incorporated United States of America (USA) has approved significant subsidised rate for Pakistan.

Subsequently a local distributor of this drug Ferozsons Laboratories (FSL) has slashed its price to Rs 1,357 per tablet from Rs 1,964 per tablet.

According to FSL’s filing with Karachi Stock Exchange on Thursday, Company has voluntary reduced maximum retail price of Sovaldi tablets (sofosbuvir 400 mg) from Rs 55,000 per bottle of 28 tablets to Rs 38,000 per bottle while drug would be available within six weeks in markets.

In order to ensure patients receive maximum benefit from price reduction local distributors of Gilead Sciences, Ferozsons will be supplying tablets direct to patients at trade price of Rs 32,300 per monthly dose of Sovaldi.

Federal government on Wednesday claimed government has reduced price of ‘breakthrough drug’ for Hepatitis C, Solvadi by 40 percent, but local marketing and distributing partner of original manufacturers of said tablet announced on Thursday they have reduced maximum price of Solvadi voluntarily.

The measure will benefit over 10 million Hepatitis C patients across Pakistan. According to a statement by FSL on behalf of Gilead Sciences in order to further expand access to treatment for Hepatitis C and ensure maximum number of eligible patients can benefit from its vulnerability in Pakistan. We have informed Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) we are voluntary reducing he maximum retail price of Sovaldi tablets (sofosbuvir 400 mg), said FSL.

DRAP had set price of Sovaldi at Rs 1,940 per tablet (Rs 55,000 per 28 tablets’ bottle).

The revised price is applicable with effect from February 5, 2015 subsequent to recent registration of Sovaldi. Sovaldi is considered a breakthrough in treating patients with chronic Hepatitis C.

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