Одна из главных задач Life4me+ — предотвращение новых случаев заражения ВИЧ-инфекцией и другими ИППП, гепатитом C и туберкулезом.

Приложение позволяет установить анонимную связь между врачами и ВИЧ-позитивными людьми, дает возможность организовать своевременный прием ваших медикаментов, получать замаскированные напоминания о них.

12 января 2015, 00:00

Novartis прекращает разработки препаратов для лечения гепатита C

Novartis прекращает разработки препаратов для лечения гепатита C - изображение 1

Debiopharm Group™ (Debiopharm), a Swiss-based global biopharmaceutical company, today announced that it has updated its arrangement with Novartis to regain full rights to Alisporivir (DEB025) currently completing two Phase 2 studies of interferon-free treatment in Hepatitis C.

"Novartis has decided that, as part of an ongoing portfolio transformation, hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related indications would no longer be a strategic focus for them" said Thierry Mauvernay, Delegate of the Board of Debiopharm Group. "We appreciate Novartis' rapid agreement to return the Alisporivir program to us promptly and in good order. We are looking forward to continuing the development of this exciting molecule in one or more indications and we have already started discussing with potential partners."

"Owing to its unique mode of action, Alisporivir promises to be a useful additional tool to combine with other therapeutics in the treatment of HCV. There is also a variety of other potential indications where Alisporivir may bring benefit to patients" commented Dr Andrés Mc Allister, CSO of Debiopharm International.

Debiopharm and Novartis entered into a strategic collaboration for the development of Alisporivir in January 2010. This arrangement allows for the transfer, at Debiopharm's election, of ongoing Alisporivir Phase 2 clinical trials to Debiopharm and transfers all rights for HCV and other indications.

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