Uno degli obiettivi principali di Life4me+ è quello di prevenire nuovi casi di HIV e altre infezioni sessualmente trasmissibili, epatite C e tubercolosi.

L'app aiuta a stabilire una comunicazione anonima tra i medici e le persone sieropositive. Ti consente di organizzare comodamente l'orario di assunzione dei farmaci e di impostare promemoria nascosti e personalizzati.

20 marzo 2017, 09:20

Insulin May Help Restore Neurocognitive Functions in HIV Patients

Insulin May Help Restore Neurocognitive Functions in HIV Patients - immagine 1

Delivering insulin within the nasal cavity helped prevent neuroinflammation, neuronal injury, and restored neurobehavioral function, a study in HIV mouse models showed.

HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) describe a spectrum disorder of neurocognitive dysfunctions that result from HIV infection. Even people on antiretroviral therapy are at risk of developing neurocognitive dysfunction.

In a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, the authors examined the actions of insulin using in vivo and ex vivo models of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. The researchers observed an increased neuroinflammatory gene expression in brains of patients with HIV/AIDS. The insulin receptor was detected in both neurones and glia (non-neuronal cells that maintain homoeostasis, provide support and protection for neurones), but its expression remained untouched by the virus.

“Insulin exerted ex vivo and in vivo antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects in models of HAND, representing a new therapeutic option for patients with inflammatory or infectious neurodegenerative disorders including HAND,” the authors of the study concluded.

Autore: Narek Karamjan

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