L'un des principaux objectifs de Life4me + - est de prévenir de nouveaux cas de VIH et d'autres IST, d'hépatite C et de tuberculose.

L'application aide à établir une communication anonyme entre les médecins et les personnes séropositives. Elle vous permet d'organiser facilement votre horaire de prise de médicaments et de définir des rappels cachés et personnalisés.

13 avril 2017, 15:16

Pedro Zamora Young HIV/AIDS Leaders Scholarship Program Calls For Apply

Pedro Zamora Young HIV/AIDS Leaders Scholarship Program Calls For Apply - photo 1

The National AIDS Memorial is offering college scholarships from $2,500 to $5,000 to support and encourage the educational efforts of young people engaged in active functions of public service and leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The announcement is being made on National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, honoring Pedro Zamora's legacy and the important work he did as a young leader in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

"This scholarship program is meant to amplify the important role that today's young people are playing in raising awareness and addressing issues of social justice, just as Pedro did more than two decades ago," stated John Cunningham, executive director of the National AIDS Memorial. "These young leaders will be the voices for AIDS as we move into the future. We hope that our scholarship helps to keep Pedro's story and those of millions of other alive, so that the travesties of the past are never repeated, and so that we can continue building hope for the future."

Applications should be submitted by May 31, 2017 for the Fall 2017-Spring 2018 semesters and can be downloaded from the National AIDS Memorial website. Scholarships will be awarded in August and range from $2,500 to $5,000.

Since 2009 the program has awarded $140,000 in scholarships to 48 students through the support of many financial partners including Wells Fargo, Gilead and UnitedHealthcare, among others.

The Pedro Zamora Young Leaders Scholarship is open to current U. S. high school seniors, and college freshmen, sophomores and juniors (ages 27 and younger) who demonstrate an active commitment to fighting HIV/AIDS and taking on roles of public service and leadership. For information about the scholarship program and application requirements visit AIDSMemorial.org

Auteur: Olga Moiseeva

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