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1 juin 2018, 16:51

HIV-positive military sued the US army because of obstacles in promotion

HIV-positive military sued the US army because of obstacles in promotion - photo 1

Sergeant Nick Harrison, who was chosen as the chief advocate for the US National Guard in the District of Columbia, but who did not receive this post, said on Wednesday that he had sued the military leadership of the country because of her discriminatory policy towards people living with HIV. In particular, Harrison believes that the current rule in the army of blocking the promotion of HIV-positive persons is absolutely unacceptable and should be abolished.

"I am disappointed that the country for which I served from the age of 23 turns away from me, especially because my HIV status does not affect professionalism at all," he said.

As experts note, the US military has been forbidden for decades to involve anyone with HIV-positive status. Restrictions apply to the current military.

Recently, the Trump administration stated that representatives of the military, who are not able to relocate to any part of the world within a year, should be fired.

Nick Harrison, who learned about his HIV-positive status 6 years ago, said he served in the army for over 18 years, and the policy of restricting his promotion due to a diagnosis obviously violates his constitutional rights.

According to him, the army's policy is obsolete, since it operates with medical information 25 years ago. Today, the life expectancy of an HIV + person taking an ARV prescribed by a doctor is not at all different from having an HIV-negative status.

Lambda Legal project director Scott Schoettes, who agreed to help Nick Harrison, supported his colleague, noting that the military's policy is "archaic and harmful".

"The US Department of Defense is one of the largest employers in the world and, like other employers, should not discriminate against people living with HIV," said Schoyett.

The official representative of the US Department of Defense refused to comment on the situation, citing the fact that he can not discuss open trial with journalists.

Let's add that last year the representative of the US Defense Ministry told the media that the military will not attract HIV-positive people, since the entire staff should serve "without changing existing medical conditions."

Auteur: Olga Moiseeva

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