Üks Life4me+ peamiseid eesmärke on uute HIVi- ja muude sugulisel teel levivate nakkuste juhtumite, nagu ka C-hepatiiti ja tuberkuloosi nakatumise ennetamine.

Nutirakendus aitab luua kontakti arstide ja HIV positiivsete inimeste vahel. Nutirakendus aitab mugavalt organiseerida ravimite võtmise aegu, seadistada ainult Teile arusaadavad ja personaalseid meeldetuletusi, võimaldab saada arstilt tagasisidet ning panna aega vastuvõtule või analüüsidele.

15 veebruar 2017, 11:19

Study: Iran has lowest rates of HCV in Middle East

Study: Iran has lowest rates of HCV in Middle East - pilt 1

A recent analysis of 12 population studies showed that the seroprevalence of the hepatitis C virus in Iran is lower than in other Middle Eastern countries. Among the general population, the rate was 0.6% (95% CI, 0.4-0.8), with an overall rate of true viremia of 0.4% (95% Cl, 0.1-0.6).

“These values indicate a spontaneous eradication rate of almost 35%, which is in agreement with other reports from Iran,” the researchers wrote. “Therefore, Iran could be considered a country with low frequency of HCV infection among the general population.”

In comparison, HCV seroprevalence is 1% - 2.1% in Turkey, 2.2% in the Gaza strip, 1.7% in Yemen, and 1.5% in the United Arab Emirates.

However, rates of HCV seroprevalence varied a good deal across different provinces: from 0.08% in Mazandaran to 1.6% in Hormozgan. They also varied according to sex, with HCV seroprevalence ranging from 0.14% to 2.6% in men and from 0% to 1.29% in women. The overall rates were 0.8% (95% Cl, 0.4-1.2) in men and 0.5% (95% Cl, 0.2-0.8) in women. The overall true viremia rate was 0.5% in men and 0.1% in women.

The researchers identified a strict program of HCV screening prior to blood transfusions, which began in 1996, as the most important factor influencing the lower rate of hepatitis C infection in Iran.

Autor: Olga Moiseeva

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