Üks Life4me+ peamiseid eesmärke on uute HIVi- ja muude sugulisel teel levivate nakkuste juhtumite, nagu ka C-hepatiiti ja tuberkuloosi nakatumise ennetamine.

Nutirakendus aitab luua kontakti arstide ja HIV positiivsete inimeste vahel. Nutirakendus aitab mugavalt organiseerida ravimite võtmise aegu, seadistada ainult Teile arusaadavad ja personaalseid meeldetuletusi, võimaldab saada arstilt tagasisidet ning panna aega vastuvõtule või analüüsidele.

28 veebruar 2021, 13:26

New study to tackle HIV multi-drug resistance launches

New study to tackle HIV multi-drug resistance launches - pilt 1

In London and Edinburgh, researchers have begun recruiting participants for a new study aimed at better understanding and overcoming HIV multi-drug resistance.

The study will be conducted in two parts:

On week one participants will be randomised to one of four blinded arms. Alongside their current, failing, combinations they will receive islatravir, doravirine, both drugs or a placebo.

From week two all participants will receive open-label islatravir and doravirine to an optimised background ART for the next 48 weeks.

At the end of the study all participants will have the option to continue to use islatravir/doravirine.

Entry criteria for the study include:

  • Age 12 years or over
  • A viral load above 500 copies/mL
  • Drug resistance to at least three classes, including NRTI and NNRTIs.
  • Limited alternative treatments (based on drug resistance, tolerability/side effects, access or patient acceptability)

Exclusion criteria include:

  • Genotypic resistance to doravirine
  • Current treatment includes nevirapine, efavirenz or etravirine

For more information, including contact details for the researchers, visit the i-base website (https://i-base.info/htb/40010)

Autor: Tom Hayes

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