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27 agosto 2018, 14:35

Europe is close to achieving the goal of "90-90-90". But not all

Europe is close to achieving the goal of "90-90-90". But not all - imagen 1

According to a study published in the journal AIDS (JAIDS), Europe is close to achieving the goal of UNAIDS 90-90-90. According to the latest data, 81% of people living with HIV are aware of their status, 84% of them are receiving the necessary treatment, 88% of whom have reached undetectable viral load. However, the data between countries is significantly different. For example, in Eastern Europe, there are lower rates for all three parameters, and several countries do not have accurate data on the coverage of HIV testing and treatment.

For the study, experts asked for data from 55 countries, of which only 48 responded. Russia, where the HIV epidemic has been growing rapidly, did not respond to the request and did not provide epidemiological data, which suggests that the overall indicators for Eastern Europe were more optimistic than it really is.

According to researchers, in about 37 countries that provided data on the prevalence of HIV infection, about 1.2 million people in Europe live with HIV. This is 0,19% of the population of Europe. The minimal spread of HIV was recorded in Slovakia (0.02%), the maximum in Estonia (0.84%).

It is known that in Russia the number of people living with HIV exceeds 1 million, which corresponds to 0.69% of the population.

The level of diagnosis varies from 38% in Tajikistan to 98% in Romania. Three countries report the achievement of 90% of the diagnosis of UNAIDS - in addition to Romania, this is Denmark and Sweden.

Access to treatment varies from 27% in Latvia and 96% in Malta and in the UK. The goals of UNAIDS for this indicator reached 8 countries.

The achievement of undetectable viral load ranges from 32% in Albania and Tajikistan to 97% in Switzerland. Eleven countries reported achieving the UNAIDS goal.

European countries are close to the goal of "90-90-90" - the latest data indicate a level of "81-84-88". In Western Europe, this is "84-88-90", in the Central - "84-69-62", and in the Eastern - "57-45-57" (without Russia).

Overall HIV suppression measures are 66% for Western Europe, 36% for Central and only 14% for Eastern Europe.

Two countries (Denmark and Sweden) have fully achieved the goal of "90-90-90".

The UK is behind the suppression of viral load (73%).

In 2014, UNAIDS set the task of halting the HIV epidemic by 2030. According to experts, this is possible if by 2020 to reach the goal of "90-90-90", when 90% of people living with HIV are aware of their status, 90% of them receive the necessary treatment, of which 90% reached undetectable viral load.

Autor: Ivan Shangin

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