Um dos principais objetivos do Life4me+ - é prevenir novos casos de HIV e outras ISTs, hepatite C e tuberculose.

O aplicativo ajuda a estabelecer uma comunicação anônima entre médicos e pessoas soropositivas. A App permite que você organize convenientemente o seu horário de toma dos medicamentos e defina de uma forma personalizada os lembretes.

2 junho 2017, 11:13

Indian Kids Will Get Sweet Flavored TB Medicines

Indian Kids Will Get Sweet Flavored TB Medicines - foto 1

India started the campaign of TB-treatment all-round-the country. Many indian children suffer from TB. They have to take their TB drugs four times a day. Total amount of children, suffering from TB is about 150 000 in India. Bitterness of TB pills appears as a problem for the majority of kids and their parents.


New medicines for kids will have chocolate, orange, strawberry flavors and will be divided for six categories according to the age of small patients.  TB medicines will also be easily soluble in water, so that new pills could be used for small children while having a meal. A kid should take his sweet flavored TB medicines twice a day, instead of four times, as it was before.

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