Uno degli obiettivi principali di Life4me+ è quello di prevenire nuovi casi di HIV e altre infezioni sessualmente trasmissibili, epatite C e tubercolosi.

L'app aiuta a stabilire una comunicazione anonima tra i medici e le persone sieropositive. Ti consente di organizzare comodamente l'orario di assunzione dei farmaci e di impostare promemoria nascosti e personalizzati.

14 novembre 2016, 10:55

Famous Vodka Brand continues its fight against AIDS

Famous Vodka Brand continues its fight against AIDS - immagine 1

Belvedere, the world’s original luxury vodka, has launched the 2016 (BELVEDERE) RED campaign MAKETHEDIFFERENCE, in partnership with music artist John Legend.

John Legend, a passionate philanthropist and a visionary creative, brings his soulful artistic style to the campaign, curating a program to Make the Difference. Together with Belvedere, he established the values that serve as the foundation of the campaign: unity, security, support and change. These four values embody the collective sentiment for all those joining the fight against HIV/AIDS.

To bring these tenets to life, Legend collaborated with Esther Mahlangu, a celebrated South African Ndebele artist, whose vibrant and powerful artwork will be seen throughout the campaign.

In support of the campaign, Legend is featuring his new single ‘Love Me Now’. The main theme encourages people to love now and give now due to the uncertainty of tomorrow.

“I’ve always enjoyed working with (RED). When Belvedere presented this opportunity to help support a product that I would already buy and that was going to help save lives, I thought it was a great idea,” said Legend. “I was so excited when I saw Esther’s design for the bottle: I think it’s beautiful and it marries her aesthetic with the aesthetic of Belvedere, it connects it to the culture and to the people we’re trying to help.”

People can support the campaign by giving – or keeping – the new (PRODUCT)RED limited edition bottle, featuring Mahlangu’s colourful artwork alongside Legend’s signature. Belvedere donates 50% of its profits from every bottle sold to the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa.

To kick off the campaign, Belvedere hosted its first ‘One Night for Life’ benefit in New York City at the world’s famous Apollo Theater, in presence of Legend and Mahlangu. Belvedere’s program will continue with a global advertising campaign, strong digital activations and targeted efforts in on premise establishments as well as retail stores in over 35 countries.

As a partner of (RED), Belvedere has raised enough money over the past five years to provide 30,000 HIV positive women with access to life-saving ARV treatment that stops the transmission of HIV to their babies.

Charles Gibb, President of Belvedere Vodka, said: “Belvedere is delighted to continue the (BELVEDERE)RED campaign with the help of these passionate artists, who are as dedicated as we are to spreading awareness and being a part of the change to end the transmission of  HIV from mother to child. Together, we can Make the Difference.” 

Autore: Marina Shegay

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