L'un des principaux objectifs de Life4me + - est de prévenir de nouveaux cas de VIH et d'autres IST, d'hépatite C et de tuberculose.

L'application aide à établir une communication anonyme entre les médecins et les personnes séropositives. Elle vous permet d'organiser facilement votre horaire de prise de médicaments et de définir des rappels cachés et personnalisés.

12 mai 2017, 15:58

The Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations approved the government’s commitment to make PrEP widely available

The Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations approved the government’s commitment to make PrEP widely available - photo 1

The Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations approved the government’s commitment to make PrEP widely available, of course if the pill is approved. That topic would be on the agenda of key meeting in July.

Nearly 10 000 australians are using PrEP, because this type of prevention medications can secure oneself of many diseases transmitted with HIV-infection. Australians can make the statistic they already have better if PrEP would become widely available if needed.

Easy and safe way of HIV-testing, information about safe sex and the importance of using condoms can do a lot to end AIDS epidemic by 2020 year. Only If PrEP would also be widely included in that list, the fight against HIV can be winned.

Auteur: Olga Moiseeva

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