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8 février 2017, 19:46

Study: Poor adherence to ARV among women compared to men

Study: Poor adherence to ARV among women compared to men - photo 1

 A group of researchers from Canada published the results of their study on adherence to ARV medications in the journal HIV Medicine. According to the study, women are more likely to have problems with adherence compared to men.

Adherence is a crucial factor for HIV treatment. ARV drugs have to be taken at the correct time and without interuption. Poor adherence might cause the virus to become drug-resistant.

The study involved more than 4000 people in Canada who were monitored via pharmacy refill at six-monthly intervals over 14 years and showed that gender continues to be a significant and independent effect on adherence. It is highly important to identify the reasons for this problem and develop female-centered HIV care and treatment services.

“To reach the goals of the 90-90-90 and Treatment as Prevention, there is a need to identify where women are being lost along the Cascade of Care, under what circumstances, and how they can best be supported in their care at the varying levels of the Cascade,” the authors stated.

Auteur: Olga Moiseeva

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