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25 juillet 2018, 15:00

A three-component regimen based on dolutegravir antiretroviral suppresses HIV more effectively than others

A three-component regimen based on dolutegravir antiretroviral suppresses HIV more effectively than others - photo 1

An analysis of data from more than 100,000 Brazilian patients initiating antiretroviral therapy showed that those who received the three-component tenofovir / lamivudine / dolutegravir (TDF / ZTC / DTG) regimen achieved viral load faster than those receiving other regimens without containing DTG.

This was announced on Tuesday at the AIDS-2018 conference. According to experts, this study can help doctors from other countries decide when choosing the optimal first-line therapy regimen.

The results of a large-scale analysis presented by Mariana Veloso Méréles of the Ministry of Health of Brazil showed that 85.2% of patients receiving a DTG-based regimen achieved an undetectable viral load within six months. The same participants who received combinations that did not contain the DTG drug did not usually get such results. For example, patients receiving lamivudine / tenofovir / efavirenz, who took second place in the review, after six months of treatment, reached an undetectable HIV burden in only 42% of cases.

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