Üks Life4me+ peamiseid eesmärke on uute HIVi- ja muude sugulisel teel levivate nakkuste juhtumite, nagu ka C-hepatiiti ja tuberkuloosi nakatumise ennetamine.

Nutirakendus aitab luua kontakti arstide ja HIV positiivsete inimeste vahel. Nutirakendus aitab mugavalt organiseerida ravimite võtmise aegu, seadistada ainult Teile arusaadavad ja personaalseid meeldetuletusi, võimaldab saada arstilt tagasisidet ning panna aega vastuvõtule või analüüsidele.

2 mai 2017, 12:33

Today we released a major Life4me+ mobile App update for iOS and Android.

Today we released a major Life4me+ mobile App update for iOS and Android. - pilt 1
  • Blog is now available! Now you could read useful stories by our subscribers and the examples of App usage
  • Now you receive notifications while getting important news and articles. Don't worry - that kind of news won't be published too often - we respect your time.
  • Synchronization mechanism was significantly reprocessed , as a result - functions operation speed is now faster.
  • Now you can archive the drugs you used to take.
  • New events counter is added on the App's icon
  • Number of mistakes were corrected - thanks to our attentive subscribers.
  • Some additional updates and upgrades were made to make the App's use more comfortable

We always try to improve Life4me+ App for our users. Our remarks and reviews    on improvement of Life4me+ App are always welcome

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