Refugees do not affect the spread of HIV in the EU, - WHO

The World Health Organization has denied a widespread view of the impact of mass migration on the spread of HIV in the European Union. According to the analysis of several thousand documents submitted within the framework of the organization’s report this week, the rate of socially significant and exotic diseases spread by refugees is extremely low.
The WHO report covers hundreds of health reviews of nearly 100 million people, one tenth of those living in the EU.
According to experts, contrary to popular belief, foreigners who come to Europe usually do not have health problems, but due to extremely difficult travels and often the lack of proper living conditions directly at their destinations, as well as discrimination factors that can cause severe depression, they risk get sick
According to WHO Regional Director Suzanne Yakab, the risk of infectious diseases is a consequence of the forced displacement of people.
“Refugees and migrants who come to Europe do not bring with them any exotic diseases, no exotic infectious diseases,” Yakab told Voice of America, “The diseases that refugees have are the same as those already spread in Europe. In addition, we have very good programs for the prevention and control of these diseases. This applies to both tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS. ”
Note that European countries are the only region in the world that is constantly monitored for HIV. Nevertheless, despite significant advances in treatment and prevention, Eastern Europe continues to experience difficulties in increasing the total number of HIV cases.
According to the WHO, foreigners arriving in the EU countries have far fewer diseases than local residents. And the longer migrants are in conditions of poverty (the report particularly emphasizes the vulnerability of adolescents and women), the higher the risk of becoming a victim of an infection.
Summing up the study, WHO emphasizes that it is critical that all EU countries provide quality and affordable medical care to all people, regardless of their legal status. Only in this way will it be possible to significantly improve the situation of both migrants and local residents.