Üks Life4me+ peamiseid eesmärke on uute HIVi- ja muude sugulisel teel levivate nakkuste juhtumite, nagu ka C-hepatiiti ja tuberkuloosi nakatumise ennetamine.

Nutirakendus aitab luua kontakti arstide ja HIV positiivsete inimeste vahel. Nutirakendus aitab mugavalt organiseerida ravimite võtmise aegu, seadistada ainult Teile arusaadavad ja personaalseid meeldetuletusi, võimaldab saada arstilt tagasisidet ning panna aega vastuvõtule või analüüsidele.

9 jaanuar 2017, 20:21

Natco Pharma launches generic version of Hepatitis C drug in Nepal

Natco Pharma launches generic version of Hepatitis C drug in Nepal - pilt 1

Natco Pharma launches generic version of Hepatitis C drug in Nepal

Natco Pharma has launched Velpanat-a fixed dose combination drug containing sofosbuvir(400 mg) velpatasvir (100mg) for treatment of Hepatitis C in Nepal. The medication is sold by Gilead Sciences under brand name Epclusa and is the first pan-genotypic, single tablet regimen for the treatment of Hepatitis C. Natco has signed a non-exclusive licensing agreement with Gilead Sciences to manufacture and sell generic versions of its Hep C medicines in 101 developing countries. Velpanat is priced at Rs 25,000 equivalent for a bottle of 28 tablets in Nepal. 

Autor: Marina Shegay

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