Üks Life4me+ peamiseid eesmärke on uute HIVi- ja muude sugulisel teel levivate nakkuste juhtumite, nagu ka C-hepatiiti ja tuberkuloosi nakatumise ennetamine.

Nutirakendus aitab luua kontakti arstide ja HIV positiivsete inimeste vahel. Nutirakendus aitab mugavalt organiseerida ravimite võtmise aegu, seadistada ainult Teile arusaadavad ja personaalseid meeldetuletusi, võimaldab saada arstilt tagasisidet ning panna aega vastuvõtule või analüüsidele.

27 aprill 2017, 10:29

Kidney Function And Bone Loss Improves While Switching To TAF In Hepatitis B Patients

Kidney Function And Bone Loss Improves While Switching To TAF In Hepatitis B Patients - pilt 1

Switching from the former tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) to the new tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) improves kidney function biomarkers and recovery of bone loss in patients with hepatitis V virus, researchers announced at the International Liver Congress last week in Amsterdam.

Due to its excellent efficacy and high-level safety profile, updated European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) hepatitis B clinical practice guidelines released at the conference now recommend TAF as a new treatment option, especially for people at higher risk for bone or kidney problems.

"Instead of waiting for patients to get a renal disease or bone disease, we should be more pre-emptive in trying to minimize these comorbidities," Kosh Agarwal, one of the authors of the study from King’s College Hospital in London said at the hepatitis B guidelines presentation. "We are seeing changes in bone turnover and renal markers that are not quite translating to clinical endpoints yet, but we have the data on co-infection, and we understand that the efficacy [of TAF] is strong, so we should be thinking about the prevention of comorbidities for what is still a long-term therapy for a majority of patients."

Autor: Olga Moiseeva

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