Una de las mayores metas de Life4me+ — prevenir nuevos casos de VIH y otras ITS, hepatitis C y tuberculosis.

El app ayuda a establecer una comunicación anónima entre médicos y personas vih+. Te permite organizar tu horario de toma de tratamiento de manera conveniente y fijar recordatorios personalizados que se pueden ocultar.

28 junio 2017, 15:13

French Campaign «Let's make Paris the city of love without AIDS"»

French Campaign «Let's make Paris the city of love without AIDS"» - imagen 1

Campaign «Faisons de Paris la ville de l'amour sans sida» is translated like “Let's make Paris the city of love without AIDS"

“Faisons de Paris la ville de l'amour sans sida» campaign is aimed to be one of the parts of "Vers Paris Sans Aida" project (To Paris without AIDS). The campaign is targeted om fight against HIV epidemic in cooperation with the city of Paris. The campaign starts today and will last till the 26, July and will broadcast in social networks.

This campaign is the beginning of project, aimed on HIV prevention and care among the population at a high risk of getting HIV virus. Men who have sex with men (MSM), trans people and people, who have moved from african sub-Sahara region form the most vulnerable groups.

The visuals represent three MSM, a trans woman, as well as a man and a woman from Africa. Each portrait is presented with a prevention strategy: PreP, self- and classic HIV testing, antiretroviral treatment and safe sex.


Autor: Olga Moiseeva

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