Una de las mayores metas de Life4me+ — prevenir nuevos casos de VIH y otras ITS, hepatitis C y tuberculosis.

El app ayuda a establecer una comunicación anónima entre médicos y personas vih+. Te permite organizar tu horario de toma de tratamiento de manera conveniente y fijar recordatorios personalizados que se pueden ocultar.

6 octubre 2017, 14:31

Electronic systems in healthcare improve adherence to HIV treatment

Electronic systems in healthcare improve adherence to HIV treatment - imagen 1

Alex Schneider, the founder of the mobile application and online resource for people living with HIV, Life4me +, talked about improving adherence to treatment for people with HIV through electronic systems at St. Petersburg HIV forum «Modern Aspects of Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment».

According to available data, the use of electronic methods in health care (like mobile applications and websites) has a number of positive effects for people living with HIV: it increases the patient’s adherence to treatment and discipline as well as awareness of HIV infection, and helps to communicate with a doctor, which improves the quality of medical care.

Life4me + application can be used in six languages and now is available in 156 countries on all continents, both for iOS and Android. The application is used in 60 countries, and Russia, China, USA, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia are among the most active.

The application is available from January 2017, and the first studies confirm its effectiveness. Monitoring of the behavior of 50 new users demonstrated an improvement by 54.8%. in their adherence to treatment during three months of application use. A third part of a poll of 100 long-term users confirmed that the application had increased their adherence.

Autor: Anna Fedoryak

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