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23 abril 2018, 08:00

Conchita Wurst tells about her HIV status

Conchita Wurst tells about her HIV status - imagen 1

Singer Conchita Wurst (Thomas Neuwirth), who became famous for winning the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014, on Sunday evening in her personal page in Instagram told about her HIV-positive status.

"Today is the day when it's time to get rid of the "Damocles sword", which hung over me all my life: I have been HIV-positive for many years. This should not concern anyone, but a former friend threatens that he will tell the public about it. I will not give anyone the right to frighten me in the future and thus influence my life" the singer admitted.

Wurst has already confirmed to the media the authenticity of her statement. As follows from the quote of the agent Rene Berto, published the day before in Der Standart, "The actor said it all".

You may recall that Conchita Wurst, in 2014 representing Austria at the "Eurovision" song contest, following several stages of elimination, won. The decision of the jury was then interpreted ambiguously.

The reason for this was the unusual image of the "bearded woman", created by Neuwirth in 2011. Editions of The New Yorker and Siegessäule noted that the image of Conchita Wurst is an example of so-called gender mocking, expressed in the refusal to follow traditional gender roles.

The image of Conchita Wurst became a statement in defense of tolerance and acceptance of man as he is. Tom Neuwirth said that he wants the new generation to believe that it's good to be yourself and that it's not important what the person looks like or where he comes from, but what kind of person that people learn to look at and appreciate, which is hidden behind the facade.

Photo: AP Photo/Christian Bruna


Autor: Ivan Shangin

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