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7 abril 2022, 10:10

Alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs can affect your ability to suppress your HIV viral load

Alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs can affect your ability to suppress your HIV viral load - imagen 1

There is growing evidence that people living with HIV can have problems suppressing their HIV viral load as a result of the use of alcohol, drugs and smoking. Scientists have linked these factors to non-adherence with HIV treatment regimens, leading to a lack of viral suppression and the subsequent increase in viral load in people living with HIV. The results of the study were published in the journal Medscape

3,258 people living with HIV took part in the analysis - of these 69% were men who have sex with men, 11% were heterosexual men and 20% were women.

  • Alcohol dependence was established in 18% of participants.
  • 10% of participants said they drank more than 20 units of alcohol per week
  • 32% of the participants smoked regularly.
  • Non-injectable drugs were used by 38% and injectable drugs were used by 2%

Amongst the 2,459 people who were receiving HIV treatment it was found than any of the above factors contributed to non-adherence with their treatment regimen.

Alcohol addiction, smoking, and injecting drug use were all associated with a lack of viral suppression.

The team looked at 592 people who had a suppressed viral load, alcohol addiction and injecting drug use were associated with viral relapse and rebound.

After reviewing the results of their analysis the researchers have recommended regular screening for these risk factors, as well as the treatment of alcohol, tobacco and drug use in people living with HIV. They also say that HIV doctors should be prepared for poor virological results in these patients, and be ready to take appropriate steps.


Traductor: Tom Hayes

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