Una de las mayores metas de Life4me+ — prevenir nuevos casos de VIH y otras ITS, hepatitis C y tuberculosis.

El app ayuda a establecer una comunicación anónima entre médicos y personas vih+. Te permite organizar tu horario de toma de tratamiento de manera conveniente y fijar recordatorios personalizados que se pueden ocultar.

Todas las noticias / Agosto 2022


3 agosto 2022
A woman from Barcelona is still in remission from HIV 15 years after stopping treatment

A woman from Barcelona is still in remission from HIV 15 years after stopping treatment

One case study, presented at the 24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022) in Montreal, has sparked international interest. A woman from Barcelona has been living with an undetectable viral load for more than 15 years after she stopped taking antiretroviral treatment. ...
IAS2022international aids conferencebarcelona patientlong-term remission2022newsaugustAIDS 2022IAS 2022AIDS2022international aids societyconferencebarcelonaHIVHIV+curelong term remissionremissionfunctional cureelite controllerlife4me+studytrial